Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs For Your Video Game Music Playlist

I wanted to share with you my top 8 favorite Animal Crossing music for your video game music playlist.


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kk slider sitting with his banjo animal crossing screenshot
kk slider sitting with his banjo animal crossing screenshot

Animal Crossing is one of my favorite Nintendo franchises and has some of the best music in any game, past or present.

Today, I wanted to share with you my top 8 favorite Animal Crossing music for your video game music playlist. Songs include K.K. Cruisin’, Bubblegum K.K., Only Me, K.K. Fusion, and more.

I will be covering a couple things in this article:

  1. What is Animal Crossing?
  2. My Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs

If you haven’t heard of any of the tracks I listed above, that’s okay. I will inform you all about Animal Crossing and how wonderful its music is.

Prepare to get your groove on!

What is Animal Crossing?

Animal Crossing is a relaxing game that tasks players with odd jobs, chores, and other fun and quirky activities with no real goal or time limit.

This game relies on the player finding their own fun for hours on end.

And every open-ended game needs a strong soundtrack to make the hours go by, and Animal Crossing is no exception.

My Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs

I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do.

I listed these in no particular order because they are all so, so, good to listen to for hours on end. Trust me; I have.

Without further ado, here are my top 8 favorite Animal Crossing tunes for you to put on your gaming playlists. 

K.K. Cruisin’
Bubblegum K.K.
Bubblegum K.K. Smash Bros. Remix
Marine Song 2001
Museum Music
Load Game Music
Only Me
K.K. Fusion

These really are some of the best video game tunes out there.

KK Cruisin small
Image: Nintendo

1) K.K. Cruisin’


LISTEN WHILE: Doing homework, working out, internet/phone surfing

K.K. Cruisin’ has to be the freshest song in Animal Crossing. Yeah, I used freshest.

Cool, fresh, awesome. Pick your adjective, because there is no other song in Animal Crossing quite like this one. It has a beat, tries and succeeds at being music that one would expect to be played on an actual car radio, and is just plain cool to listening to.

I really like K.K. Cruisin’.

The entire song is my favorite part, but the odd sneeze-like sound that pops up later in the song is a standout that I really enjoy.

Also, the tune seamlessly loops, allowing me to enjoy an endless amount of faux song sneezes to my heart’s content.

Bubblegum KK small


2.) Bubblegum K.K.

VIDEO GAME MUSIC STYLE: Upbeat, catchy, pop

LISTEN WHILE: Running/Walking, cleaning, background music

Bubblegum K.K. has to be tied for my favorite Animal Crossing song along with Only Me (which you can also find on this list).

This song is upbeat to the max. It’s also bubbly, as my significant other puts it, pun intended. And it has the tinkling sounds of a xylophone all the way throughout that are fun to listen to.

Plus, everyone across the internet has made their own lyrics to this cool tune. Check them out with a quick web search when you have free time. People are quite creative with what they have come up with.

Bubblegum K.K.’s chorus is super catchy and the main reason I love this song so much. I always find myself humming it within seconds, and it never gets tired even on repeat for hours on end.

I love playing this song in-game and in the background when doing work or cleaning around the house. I can just picture myself having more fun doing chores while listening to this sweet jam.

And finally, this song is so awesome, it interrupted my spouse from her work by its sheer blissfulness!

Well done, Bubblegum K.K., well done.

Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs For Your Video Game Music Playlist


3.)Bubblegum K.K. Smash Bros. Remix

VIDEO GAME MUSIC STYLE: Upbeat, catchy, pop

LISTEN WHILE: Running/Walking, leisure, background music

I already professed my eternal love for Bubblegum K.K., so the moment I realized there was a remix to my popular tune in Super Smash Bros., I had to listen to it.

And the Bubblegum K.K. remix did not disappoint.

From the very start of this new version, it’s tons of fun. It begins with the tried and true form of Bubblegum K.K. but with a slightly faster tempo.

Then, the song eventually transforms into a mellow flow of tunes and singing which is a nice surprise for fans of the song such as myself. And it ends with a glorious epic solo by Animal Crossing’s resident musician, K.K. Slider himself.

This song is happiness for the ears that I highly recommended all of you add to your music playlists.

Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs For Your Video Game Music Playlist


4.) Marine Song 2001

VIDEO GAME MUSIC STYLE: Mellow, upbeat, catchy

LISTEN WHILE: Leisure, relaxing, cleaning

Of course, I created this list with the help of my spouse . . . the biggest Animal Crossing fan I know.

Marine Song 2001 was the first mellow song my spouse received from Animal Crossing’s resident musician and it has stuck with her ever since Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Nintendo Wii nearly a decade ago.

That’s how impactful this song is.

My spouse cheers up the moment the voice kicks in, which is her favorite part of the song. The Animal-ese language guides the listener on a journey as if we were being told an upbeat inspiring tale.

Really, my spouse cannot help but hum Marine Song 2001 the moment the singing starts. Every. Single. Time.

I have always remembered the name of the song because it is so peculiar for what the song actually is.

My spouse thinks the name “Marine Song 2001” does not properly represent how awesome this song really is. And I have to agree. Marine Song 2001 is a funny sounding name for those without context of why it was named that way.

Being the creative person I am, I immediately recommended calling it “Flowers in June” at which she laughed at. I asked her for her opinion about renaming it. But, she became lost in thought as Marine Song 2001 played in the background of our conversation.

Regardless of its name, Marine Song 2001 is a catchy mellow tune that sounds like someone singing a tranquil folk tale.

I had to ask my better half why she likes this song and the answer was as uplifting as the song itself: it just makes her happy.

Indeed, a sign of a truly good Animal Crossing song if there ever was one.

Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs For Your Video Game Music Playlist


5.) Museum Music

VIDEO GAME MUSIC STYLE: Relaxing, lazy, mellow

LISTEN WHILE: Background music, relaxing, leisure

I’ve listened to Animal Crossing’s Museum song for dozens upon dozens of hours thanks to my mother and spouse having played Animal Crossing in front of me for a combined total of 1000 hours plus by now. And I am still not sick of the tune.

The Museum music has a laziness about it that makes me want to relax on the couch all day in my favorite pair of pajamas. At the same time, the ticking of the clock in the background gives it a sense of gentle urgency that urges me off of said couch and back into action.

This song is such a perfect fit for Animal Crossing’s Museum, the place in the game where all the fish you have caught and all of the bugs you netted among other things are shown off for the entire world to see.

Furthermore, the song’s laziness is perfect for perusing past memories of the fish my mother caught years ago or the bug my spouse netted in the Spring of last year. Memories.

When you want to kick back and go at a leisurely pace, Animal Crossing’s Museum tune is just the right pick for you. And for all of you students out there, this is great video game music for studying.

Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs For Your Video Game Music Playlist


6.) Load Game Music (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)

VIDEO GAME MUSIC STYLE: Mellow, pleasant, relaxing

LISTEN WHILE: Shopping, studying, walking

Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s Load Game Music is a true gem.

The moment Isabelle greeted me with a cheery disposition while this equally cheerful music played in the background, I knew I was going to be hooked.

I have sometimes left my Nintendo 3DS system on with Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s load menu music playing while I do chores around my real-life home.

This song does what all great Animal Crossing songs do: it combines calm, relaxing, and upbeat vibes all into one happy package that begins the moment someone starts a new game.

Personally, my favorite part of this tune are the pleasant twinkle-like sounds that guide us through the song, leaving me with a giant smile on my face whenever I hear it.

I hope you smile just as large when you hear this tune, too.

Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs For Your Video Game Music Playlist


7.) Only Me

VIDEO GAME MUSIC STYLE: Nostalgic, 1950s, mellow

LISTEN WHILE: Driving, thinking, background music

Only Me is probably my favorite Animal Crossing song. It hits me where it counts, and I can’t help but hum it out and about. Hey, I think I rhymed!

This song has a mid 1950s feel to it that makes me feel nostalgic for a time I wasn’t even around–that’s how powerful this song is!

It makes long for hamburgers, shakes, fires, and a nice seat at a diner where waiters and waitresses serve hearty meals while wearing skates.

Now, I don’t know if diners like this were truly an American staple of decades past, but Only Me conjures these images in my mind (and stomach) whenever I hear it.

Hmm. I think I’m hungry.

Suffice to say, I have listened to this tune a lot. Like, a lot, a lot.

Every Animal Crossing game I pick up, I makes sure I have Only Me playing in one of my rooms, usually the primary room so it is front and center for everyone to hear immediately when they walk into my abode.

I can listen to Only Me on repeat for days, I promise you that, and I bet you will enjoy this song, too.

Top 8 Animal Crossing Songs For Your Video Game Music Playlist


8) K.K. Fusion

VIDEO GAME MUSIC STYLE: Upbeat, 1980s, relaxing

LISTEN WHILE: Working out, dancing, internet/phone surfing

K.K. Fusion is an upbeat song that makes me want to dress my Animal Crossing character in a nice pair of shades, a leather jacket, and a shirt with a bear face on it.

That’s a great look!

The first 20 seconds of K.K. Fusion grabbed me with its high energy while the rest of the song hooked me with its more relaxed sounds–a perfect mix when moving around furniture in my Animal Crossing home or in my real life bedroom.

I pondered why I liked this song so much, but I couldn’t put my finger on why.

My spouse, wanting to hear the song in question, laughed the moment she heard the synthesizer.

Knowing how much I like ‘80s music, she told me K.K. Fusion sounded like it was ripped out of that era. The synthesizer and the 1980s sounds that carry K.K. Fusion spoke to me directly as an ‘80s child.

And that is why it’s one of my favorite Animal Crossing tunes and will remain so for quite some time.

Conclusion: Groove On With Animal Crossing Songs

These were just 8 of my top Animal Crossing songs I wanted to share with you.

Whether you are looking for video game music for studying, relaxing to, or just having on as background music while you enjoy life and have conversation, these Animal Crossing songs will work on many different playlists.

Until next time, keep on groovin’.

By Wally

(Screenshots taken by me. Images sourced from product pages on the Nintendo website. Logos, characters, and images are owned by their respective owners)

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Writer, Creator – TendoSource

I hope you enjoyed the article. I enjoy researching gaming stuffs and then sharing my findings with you in a relatable way.

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