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How To Easily Access Classic Mode In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Picture Guide)

Learn how to access Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Classic Mode in a few easy steps.


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inkling girl and mii fighter in mural form
inkling girl and mii fighter in mural form

Thanks for reading this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate guide on TendoSource!

Today, I’m going to help you learn how to access the Classic Mode in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Accessing Classic Mode in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate only requires a few simple steps: navigate to the home screen, access the Games & More menu, select Classic Mode option, then choice a character and difficulty to start playing.

Benefit Of Accessing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Classic Mode

Accessing the Classic Mode in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate allows players to play the series’ traditional, primary game mode.

Choose a character and battle against six other fighters and a boss as the difficulty of each fight increases.

Furthermore, Classic Mode can be accessed at anytime for those wanting to experience Super Smash Bros.’ long-standing game mode.

Continue reading for a detailed picture guide of how to access Classic Mode in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!

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How To Access Classic Mode In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Classic Mode allows you to fight through a ladder of six computer-controlled opponents and one boss for the purpose of getting a high score.

This mode is one of the most beginner-friendly fighting modes in the game as players simply need to select a fighter and get playing.

Accessing Classic Mode only takes a few moments and is rather easy to accomplish once you know what you’re doing.

Important things to note about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Classic Mode:

  • high scores are saved for each individual character
  • more points are earned at higher difficulty levels
  • difficulty can be changed before starting
  • each win increases difficulty
  • each loss decreases difficulty

*Button prompts used in this guide are default settings

*This guide is based on using a Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Pair/Nintendo Switch Pro Controller


Make sure your Nintendo Switch and controller batteries are charged. This will prevent your controller or console from shutting off.


  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • a Nintendo Switch
  • a controller


  • low


  • low

1) Access Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Main Menu

super smash bros main menu screen
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Load Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s main menu by simply starting the game.

2) Navigate To “Games & More” Option From Menu

main menu screen with arrow pointing at specific game mode
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Navigate to Games & More with the (left) analog stick or directional buttons.

Press the confirm button (A button by default) to be taken to the Games & More menu.

3) Select “Classic Mode” From The Choices On-Screen

games and more menu screen with arrow pointing at specific game mode
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Highlight Classic Mode with the (left) analog stick or directional buttons.

classic mode help screen
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

To access the Help screen, Press the Y button. The Help screen provides helpful information about Classic Mode you may want to read before playing.

Press the confirm button to be taken to the character selection screen.

4) Select A Character

character select roster screen
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Use the directional buttons or (left) analog stick to choose a character from the roster.

Your high score for the selected character, your best high score, and total score of all fighters will also appear on-screen.

  • A badge appears next to characters who have been previously used to beat Classic Mode
character select roster screen
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Additionally, Classic Mode can be played with up to 2 human players.

  • Hover over the Add/Remove Players icons and press the confirm button to add/remove a second player

Press the confirm button twice to select your character(s) and be taken to the difficulty select screen.

5) Select The Difficulty Level

How To Easily Access Classic Mode In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Picture Guide)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Move the difficulty Intensity bar left and right with the (left) analog stick or directional buttons to adjust the game’s difficulty.

  • Moving the direction to the left will decrease game difficulty
  • Moving the direction to the right will increase game difficulty

Changes will be reflected on-screen in real time.

How To Easily Access Classic Mode In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Picture Guide)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Difficulty can be adjusted from 0.0 (lowest) intensity to 5.0 (strongest) intensity.

  • The higher the difficulty, the more points and rewards a player receives

Press the confirm button to pick your starting difficulty and be taken to the use a ticket screen.

Wally, here!

I personally set my game difficulty to 3.0 and increased it as I got better at the game.

The default Intensity level is 2.0, if you’re wondering.

Furthermore, an Intensity level of 5.0 is a fantastic challenge and a goal to complete for all Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players. Fiddle with the difficulty until you find what’s best for you and increase it whenever you’re ready!

6) Select A Classic Ticket (Optional)

classic mode mural screen
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Press left or right on the (left) analog stick or directional buttons to use a Classic Ticket if you have one.

Classic Tickets can be earned from playing the game. When used in Classic Mode, Classic Tickets will increase rewards received.

There are two ticket options:

  • Let’s Go
  • Use a ticket

Let’s Go begins Classic Mode without using a ticket.

Use a ticket consumes a Classic Ticket from your item collection.

Select the desired option with the (left) analog stick or directional buttons and press the confirm button to be taken to the first Classic Mode match.

7) Play Classic Mode

classic mode pre-fight character fighter splash screen
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Image: Nintendo/TendoSource

Enjoy playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Classic Mode with your selected character.

Classic Mode matches are unique for each fighter. This means battles will be different depending on the character you selected.

Additionally, there are six battles and one boss to fight against in this traditional Super Smash Bros. mode.

Difficulty increases or decreases depending on whether a match is won or lost, so fight the best you can to earn the most points possible.

Then, use this helpful picture guide whenever you want to play Classic Mode again.

Try replaying with different characters to see their unique Classic Mode match-ups.

Have fun smashing!

Helpful Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tips You Should Know About

As a bonus, enjoy three of my personal Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tips-and-tricks that improved my play experience.

1) Make A Smash Tag Online Profile

Design and personalize your individual Super Smash Bros. Ultimate online profile, known as a “Smash Tag,” by selecting from a diverse collection of 500+ picture icons and a dozen beautiful colors.

Why You Should Make An Online Profile

Your online profile is a super-cool personalized way to identify yourself when playing online. If you ever play online, creating an online profile is a must!

Learn how to make your own online profile in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with my picture guide How To Easily Make An Online Profile In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and start smashing online!

2) Learn Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Controls

Master the art of playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate by familiarizing yourself with the game’s fundamental controls, such as identifying the appropriate button for attacking, blocking, grabbing, and other essential maneuvers.

Why You Should Learn Basic Controls

Being familiar with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s basic controls can help you improve over time. That’s because it’s easier to know what to do in a heated battle when you know what buttons to press and how to perform essential actions.

Read my detailed guide Learn Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Controls Right Now and then start smashing!

3) Play Training Mode

Practice each of the game’s 80+ characters in Training mode to improve at playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Why You Should Play Training Mode

Training mode provides players with a stress-free, non-competitive environment to learn how to play each character. Additionally, Training mode allows players to customize a wealth of training options in order to improve at specific areas of the game.

Learn how to access Training mode in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with my picture guide How To Easily Access Training Mode In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and then have fun smashing!

How To Get Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Looking to play or gift Super Smash Bros. Ultimate now that you know a bit more about the game? I’m here to help!

Firstly, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is only available on Nintendo Switch since it’s made by Nintendo.

It’s tons of fun for all ages while providing a lot of replay value. The game is stuffed with things to do and unlock, alone or with family and friends.

Personally, I’ve played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for nearly 300 hours, and I still have so much more to do and unlock.

I’ve had fun beating the game’s adventure mode and played countless matches against others online.

Furthermore, I’ve taken my Nintendo Switch to work and played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with friends and coworkers for exciting in-person play sessions.

Playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has provided some of the most fun on the Nintendo Switch I have ever had.

And I really hope you, your family, friends, or gift recipient have just as much fun.

Please feel free to use my Amazon affiliate links to view Super Smash Bros. Ultimate availability on Amazon by clicking here or by using the links below.

Doing so helps me earn at no cost to you which supports the ongoing creation of awesome free game guides (just like this one).

You can also visit Nintendo’s official Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s website by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for Nintendo Switch just as much as I have!

More Great Nintendo Tutorials To Enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed learning how to access Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Classic mode in this helpful guide.

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Images credited. All others owned by Nintendo or respective owners. Screenshots taken by me.

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Writer, Creator – TendoSource

I hope you enjoyed the article. I enjoy researching gaming stuffs and then sharing my findings with you in a relatable way.

Nintendo Game Guides